miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

The first spedition to the South Pole

Hello, atoms of the Universe. We are going to talk about the first spedition to the South Pole... Start!

The Amundsen expedition was the first expedition to reach the South Pole, led by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. He, along with four of the members of the expedition, arrived at the Pole on December 14, 1911, note 1 five weeks in advance of the group led by Englishman Robert Falcon Scott of the Terra Nova expedition. Amundsen and his team returned safely to their base, being informed, later, that Scott, along with four other companions, had died on the return trip. Initially, Amundsen's idea was to reach the Arctic and conquer the North Pole, using a ship to navigate the ice. He obtained the license to man and command the Fram, the polar exploration vessel of Fridtjof Nansen, and managed to collect a large sum of money to finance his project. However, in 1909, their American rivals, Frederick Cook and Robert Peary, each announced that they arrived at the North Pole, thus throwing down the plans of Amundsen. Under the circumstances, he decided to modify his plans and begin preparations for an expedition to the South Pole; Without being certain that the public and its sponsors would stay by his side, he kept his new objective secret. When he left, in June 1910, the larger part of his crew believed that it was the beginning of a trip to the Arctic. Amundsen established its Antarctic base, named Framheim, in Whale Bay on the Ross Ice Shelf. After months of preparation, the establishment of deposits and a false start that almost ended in disaster, and his group set out for the Pole in October 1911. During the course, they discovered the Axel Heiberg Glacier, which helped in their route to the Antarctic Plateau and, finally, towards the South Pole itself. Mastering the use of sketches and experience with dog sledding made his trip relatively quick and without major problems. Other objectives of this expedition include the first exploration of the peninsula of King Edward VII and an oceanographic exploration. Although the expedition was successful and strongly applauded, Scott's tragic fate overshadowed his conquest. On the other hand, the fact that Amundsen had decided to keep secret the alteration of its planes, was quite criticized. Modern historians recognize the ability and courage of Amundsen and his group; The scientific research station at the South Pole was named after Scott.

          The best Atom

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